Milf Hunter

Thursday, November 08, 2007

dangerous dong com

Never give up because life gets harder as you get older. After preschool the road of life keeps getting bumpier and bumpier and bumpier. -- Angela Martin, age 11 Never blow in a cat's ear because if you do, usually after three or four times, they will bite your lips! And they don't let go for at least a minute. -- Lisa Coburn, age 9 Don't think life is easy, because when you get older it is hard work. I used to think life was easy, now I have to do the dishes every other day. -- Nick Coleman, age 9 Take risks. I mean, if you like this person and you don't know if they like you, ask them out and see what happens. I liked this girl and I asked her out. She said no and she hates me now, but I took that risk. -- Bruce Wagner, age 13 A realist is more correct about things in life than an optimist. But the optimist seems to have more friends and much more fun. -- Megan, age 14 for more pics and videos Dangerous Dongs

Dangeruos Dongs Alexia


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